Managing Form Due Dates in a Template

When you select Yes to Track statutory due dates and to Use CCH forms to calculate statutory due dates in the project template, the Form Due Dates tab is added to the template window. Use this tab to select the forms used for calculating statutory due dates for projects that use this template. You can also create worksteps based on the form due dates.

Due dates are calculated based on the settings for the form and the current year specified when the project is created. Due dates can be adjusted to accommodate holidays and weekends.

Important: Projects must have a planned start to receive the new form.

To manage template form due dates, do the following:

  1. ClosedOpen the Templates list.
    • From Dashboard. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Project templates under Workstream.
    • In Workstream. Click Templates in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. Select a project template, and then click. You can also right-click and select Open from the menu.
  3. Click Form Due Dates on the navigation panel.
  4. Do any of the following as needed:
    • ClosedAdd a new form to the template.
      1. Click Firm Form Due Dates on the button bar. You can also right-click and select Form Due Dates from the menu.
      2. Locate and select the form you need. See Selecting Form Due Dates for more information.

        Note: If the form due date you need is not provided in Workstream, you can add a custom form.

      3. Click Done.
    • ClosedRemove a form due date.

      The Remove option removes the form due date from all open projects where the form due date has not been entered. If the form due date has been entered in a project, the remove function changes the form due date to not required for that project. Form due dates entered in a project but marked as non-required are removed from the project template.

      1. Select a form due date in the grid.
      2. Click Remove on the button bar. You can also right-click and select Remove from the menu.
      3. Click Remove again to confirm the deletion.
    • ClosedCreate a workstep and assign it to a form due date.
      1. Click Create Worksteps in the button bar. You can also right-click and select Create Workstep from the menu.
      2. Enter the workstep information. See Managing Worksteps for Templates for more information.
      3. Click OK.
      4. In the grid, select an option from the Related Workstep column for each form due date as needed.
    • ClosedLock or unlock a form due date.

      If you lock a form in the template, the form is included in projects using that template based on the planned start. If the form is not locked, it is only added to projects created from this template after you save your changes.

      Click the icon in the Lock column to either lock or unlock the due date for projects.

    • ClosedSelect a filing method.
    • In the Filing Method column, select the method to be used for each form. The method you select will be the default used for projects created from the template going forward. If needed, you can select a different filing method in the project.

      If you change the filing method in the template, existing projects using the template are not updated with the new filing method.

  5. Click one of the ClosedSave buttons or Cancel.

ClosedExplain the components of the grid.